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Library Student Employment Application

The Adams Library hires students to work in a few areas of library service. Here's a brief rundown. If you are interested, please continue on and fill out an application.

* is required


Contact Informtation


Student Status

Please select one: *


Financial Aid

Did you receive a financial aid award? *
If you have financial aid, does this include Federal Work Study? *


Employment History

Tell us about jobs you've held up until now. Volunteering, internships, etc. count!

You may add up to three recent jobs. Please make sure each one includes:

  • Employer/company name and address
  • Your job or position title
  • Dates of employment


Class schedule

Which position(s) are you interested in applying for? You may choose more than one. (Please note that depending on availability, scheduling, and need, preferred positions may not always be available.) *



Under these grids, list the hours you are available to work each day. (Please indicate AM and/or PM)

During the SEMESTER, the library is typically open:

Sunday 1pm - 8pm
Monday 7:45am - 10pm
Tuesday 7:45am - 10pm
Wednesday 7:45am - 10pm
Thursday 7:45am - 10pm
Friday 7:45am - 5pm
Saturday 11am - 5pm
End of term Additional late hours


During the SUMMER, the library is typically open:

Sunday closed
Monday 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm
Friday 8am - 5pm
Saturday closed
Are you applying for *


Campus Work & Payroll

Have you activated your "Bank Mobile" account? *
Have you applied elsewhere on campus? *
Do you already work on campus? *
If you already work on campus, choose one: *
If you already work on campus AND have federal work study, does that job pay you with it? *